There are snooker players who have played pertinent roles in putting the game out there. Notably Joe Davis, from the United Kingdom. He is considered to be the grandfather of snooker and the father of modern day snooker. He played a major role in the development of the game and never lost a world snooker championship.
Since snooker is a game of skill and technique, technique is always referred to. Below is a list of players whose techniques continue to be talked about:
Joe Davis from the United Kingdom – Although he started his career in the old times when equipment were not as good as they are today, he is still talked about. The things that stood out with him were:
- He avoided attempting pots he could possibly miss
- He was better potting from a short range than a long range – he knew and used this to his advantage
- His precision with ball control was impeccable. He was able to develop balls from awkward to potable positions
Ronnie O’Sullivan from the United Kingdom
- Has a swift playing style which is easy and smooth
- Is a good break builder
- He is a neat potter
- He is able to use both hands to bridge
- Ronnie gets angles right
- He is fast and precise with shots
Stephen Hendry from the United Kingdom
- Perfectionist and ruthless with his games. He always aims to win
- His style was to attack which brought a new angle to the game
- Consistency
- Good at break building
- Good confidence with hitting the ball
Mark Selby from the United Kingdom is currently number one world snooker player and these are some of his strong points:
- Patience – due to him taking his time, he has been said to be slow and boring by some critics
- He is a good break builder
- Has good control of the cue ball
- Takes great positional shots
- Plays safe in his tactics
- He always keeps his cool
Ding Jinhui from China is said to be the most successful Asian player in the game.
- He is a prolific break builder
- Tends to have the psychological advantage of being unreadable, this unnerves some opponents
- He acts like he is never put under pressure
- He has great cue action
- Ding has exceptional cue ball control
- Has good judgment of pace
- His mastery of cannons and splits is amazing
Neil Robertson from Australia is the first Australian to the win the World Championship title.
- Is a left handed player and has good mastery of it
- Has good cue action
- He has a will to win and raises his game when necessary
In conclusion, aspiring players could learn a thing or two from these players to create a name and playing style for themselves.

Snooker is a simple game but can get quite difficult with tough competitors. The real challenge while playing is not only the way you control your cue, or how you break, or your winning streaks but it is the way your mind develops a strategy for playing the game or how your brain responds in an under-pressure situation.